Bobbi here to host the August W2SB Challenge. And, for this challenge, we are calling all book lovers!
August 9 is Book Lovers Day, followed by the first day of school -- at least for our school district -- on August 13. In honor of our love for books and learning, our challenge to you is create a project based on a title or quotation from a book. Here are a few ideas, or choose one of your favorites:
- Where the Wild Things Are
- The Good Earth
- Eat, Pray, Love
- Winnie-the-Pooh
- Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
We tried to choose a collection of books that would appeal to a wide range of themes, situations, and/or interests. If there's another book that sparks your creativity, by all means go with it.
Our Inspiration Gallery
Let's see what our I-Team has made this month, starting with this month's Guest I-Teamer Mona. Thanks so much, Mona, for joining us. We're thrilled that you accepted our invitation!
Mona chose The Good Earth as the inspiration for her card. She was inspired by the beauty that surrounded her while on vacation to create several lovely paintings, including the one shown below. Love these gorgeous flowers! Think this is the first painting we've showcased here at W2SB... and think I could find a perfect place to showcase it in my home. :)
Since Annie has an adorable five-year-old grandson, she immediately jumped at the opportunity to make this bee-utiful
Winnie-the-Pooh card. And, Annie's grandson gave her a big thumb's up saying this was a "nice 'baby' card". :)
Greta chose a specific quote from
The Good Earth, and added some amazing paper piecing. Love this soothing palette and stunning flower. What an absolutely stunning card!
Penny took a slightly different take on our challenge, showcasing a few favorite titles on her card's back bookshelf and using a darling book-related sentiment. If you look closely, you'll see one of her chosen titles was the inspiration for our June 2014 challenge. :)
Sybrina used Max's famous
Wild Things quote as the inspiration for her sentiment inside this monstrously cute birthday card. If you click on the link below the card, it'll take you to Sybrina's new post-OWH blog.
Because I can never follow the crowd, I chose a quote from my
favorite book,
Outlander, and my favorite fictional person, Jamie
Fraser. Jamie said to his love, "When the day shall come that we do part,
if my last words are not I Love You, ye’ll ken it was because I dinna
have time."

You have until August 28 to link up to our challenge. We can't wait to see your literary-inspired cards and projects!
And, one talented crafter will receive our prize package, which includes the adorable stamp set shown at the right. :)